Category Archives: The long walk

17th April

Yesterday was a lovely day. We spent a lovely night with Kate & her family, & her gorgeous labs, we met the delightful Macey, Kate's latest foster dog- someone will be very privileged to adopt her. Thank you guys.Soon we shall set off again down the canal towards Salisbury.A few random pictures from todayContinue Reading ››

15th April

I guess it's goodbye Wales, & hello England! We have crossed the bridge & are  having our breakfast break in the sun. Here are some pictures from on the way acrossSyd & I are musing.over our first Impressions of England, sadly we had to agree, not very friendly. No 'good morning's, no cheery 'hello', smiles … Continue Reading ››

14th April

wpid-dsc_0136.jpgA HUGE thank you to Dot & the staff at the New Inn Motel Chepstow Rd, Langstone, Gwent.Thanks so much for your hospitality. We had a wonderful meal & a sumptuous night.SYD & I can't recommend these Guys enough. Another beautiful day for walking, shame so much … Continue Reading ››

13th April

Another lovely day for walking, it's waterbird day today, My companion Syd. is a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, his instinct to work is strong. He finds it hard to walk in a straight line, being drawn to 'quarter' the area. He is also irresistibly drawn to Ducks, in his mind it is clearly his sole duty to … Continue Reading ››

12th April

Had an uneventful night night in a copse just off the cycle track, listened to the most amazing animal sounds ( while Syd snored).Met the lovely Sue Davey who restocked Syd & i with supplies, and then gave us a lift a few miles, to miss out a rather nasty onroad stretch. So having cheated on … Continue Reading ››

All wrapped up

I've wrapped Syd in my waterproof jacket so he doesn't get soaked, despite my best efforts, without pegs & proper guy ropes, the tent is sagging inwards, we are going to get decidedly damp tonight 🙁 ,  but at least I know Syd will stay dry.

No hammers here

10155921_10151964206412680_1968076248076358711_nTime for bed, a bit late, but concrete floors & tents don't suit each.other very well, thank god for lumps of stone, scaffold poles& timber lengths. Hopefully set up taught enough that we won't get soaked in condensation overnight! Lol